Desync - Apex External
General Information_
- Built-In Spoofer Included (TPM NEEDS TO BE OFF)
- Great for legit/rage
- External
- CPU: Intel / AMD
- OS: Windows 10 / 11
- BIOS: Virtualization/Secure Boot disabled
TPM needs to be off if using built-in spoofer
- Enabled
- Static FOV in Zoom
- Aim if Out if FOV
- Prediction
- Visible Check
- Ignore knocked
- Draw FOV
- Hitbox (Head, Neck, Chest, Body, Nearest)
- Limit Legit FOV
- Smooth
- Randomization
- Aim Step
- Aim key
- Sway Compensation
- Recoil Compensation
- Weapon Configuration
Player Visuals_
- Draw Box
- Draw Name
- Draw Health
- Draw Shield
- Draw Skeleton
- Draw Weapon
- Draw Distance
- Draw Barrel
- Draw Glow
- Glow Material (Filled, Pulse, Wireframe Pulse, Outline)
- Outline Box
- Filled Box
- Corner Box
- Corner Factor
Loot Visuals_
- Enable
- Draw Glow
- Glow Material
- Disable Text with Glow
- Draw Distance
- Render Distance
- Loot Categories (Rifle, SMG, LMG, Marksman, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Throwing Knife, Shield, Helmet, Knocked Shield, Backpack, Ammo, Attachment, Grenades, Medical)
- Rarity Groups (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic)
- Smart Loot & Custom Loot
- Auto Tap Strafe
- Auto Super Glide
- Adaptive Super Glide
- BunnyHop
- Big Map Radar
- Configs